Monday, September 1, 2008

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

If only Okwonko the protagonist in “Things Fall Apart” had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death. What are your views and comments?


Anonymous said...


From my point of view for the statement that "if Okwonko had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe,he would not have died a most miserable death" it is true and I am mostly agree with the statement.

This is because when Okwonko is more patient and sensitive, he would not break the rules of his tribe traditions.It can be seen when he beats his wife at the week of peace.

More over, if he is more sensitive to his tribe he will not commit so many crimes such as killing Ikemefuna, an innocent boy and the white man.He would reconsider the perspective from his tribe when he does the killing.

He would not die if he is sensitive and more patient to the emotions and feelings of his tribe. He would rather be a great warrior or leader and died in a great funeral.

sobariah said...
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sobariah said...

Nur Sobariah Ahmad Sobri

In my point of view, I think
okwonko would not have died a most miserable death if he had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotion and feelings of his tribe.

He used to be heartless while he killed Ikemefuna, the boy that he take care since the boy come to his village. The boy called him father and he take care of the boy like his own child but lastly okwonko killed that boy because he want to show hie strengh.Even though Ikemefuna will be killed but okonkwo is not suppose to be the killer. If he is more sensitive to his tribe he would not do such crime because the whole village thought that he should not go along when the killing of Ikemefuna will be done. Okwonko also need to be more patient and should not killed the messanger of the white man. He should consider to his tribe perspection about that.

If okwonko is been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he should not break the rule of tradition. Okwonko break the rule when he beat his wife in the week of peace.

He should not die in a miserable death but because of his impatientness and did not think about the emotions and feelings of his tribe he had died in that miserable way. For the the streghtness person and a great warrior like okwonko he would die in a great funeral and being respected by others.

Nur Muhammad said...


From my opinion, i totally agree that if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe,he would not have died in a most miserable death which is committing suicide.

we can see many of his actions led to the disagreeableness of his tribe. for example in the murder of Ikemefuna, a boy who called him "father". he joins in the murder because he afraid being labeled as a weak and soft-hearted man.

besides that, he also beats his third wife during the peace week just because she went out to plait her hair. okonkwo should be more tolerant and kind towards his wife as her "fault" is not that big. besides,the thing is that he scolded her in the peace week, where it has been considered as violate the tribe's tradition or rule.

apart from that,his action where he nearly miss shot his second wife proves that Okonkwo should be more patient and sensitive towards his wife's feelings as well as the tribe,as the tribe feels not good about it at all.everyone in the tribe know about this matter and they are completely against him in this matter.

as a conclusion, okonkwo perhaps will die in the most respectful death and has memorable funeral if he has good value of emotions in himself and expressing it. he has the leadership value which makes him so special but without the sensitive emotion towards others' feeling, he failed to become a real hero in his tribe;just a tragic hero.

Nurul Syakirin said...


In my opinions, if only Okonkwo the protagonist in “Things Fall Apart” had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not have died in a most miserable death because he will be able to think rationally and wiser than ever before he act.

To me, Okonkwo is a great leader and warrior but he does not know how to use his skills and abilities correctly and wisely. This is because, he is to egoist to accept the fact that he is not always right. He is to ego to admit that his action are wrong and not sensible, for example in the part where he killed Ikemefuma. If only Okonkwo has some sensitivity and feelings, he will not killed the poor boy that he fond to and who addressed him as his own father.

Besides that, if only Okonkwo is a little patient, he will think wisely before he hits and beats his third wife, Ekwefi during the peace week. He knew that during this week there aren't supposed to have any fight and war because its a peace week but he eventually beats and scolded his wife for not being at home and had her hair plaits while he's away.

Moreover, if only Okonkwo is a little sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his son Nwoye, he will not dislike Nwoye but encourage him to be a better person. He is too afraid and arrogant of being labeled as weak if he has the soft parts in himself and because of this he will not bow down to mercy and soft-hearted.

In conclusion, if only Okonkwo portrayed a positive and good qualities like a little patient and sensitive towards his tribe and family feelings and emotions, he will be a great hero and warrior besides being loved by his tribes and family thus die in a most honorable and respectful death.

elin nadiah said...

Name: Azlin Nadiah Husin

From my opinion, I'm totally agree with the statement "if Okwonko had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death"

I can't deny that he was a good leader upon of his tribe but from internal aspects he was fail to be a good one. A good warrior and leader should know how to manage his own feeling. Be more sensitive and have more patient towards others. It was opposite with okwonko's characters which were impatient and did not concern about his surrounding. For example, he break the rule of the peace week which was not allowed its people to do any violence or harm each others, but okwonko without any sense beating his own wife because she went out to plait her hair and leave her responsibility a while to the first wife. Actually, his wife's mistake was so small but he dare to beat her like she had done a big mistake toward him.

Sometimes, looks like he did it on purpose to show to his family and people outside that he was a strict and strong leader. But, the reality is, he was a hot tempered and impatient person.

If okwonko had been a little sensitive and concern of others feeling, he did not be so arrogant and selfish towards others and himself too. It can be proof by the incident of killing Ikemefuna. That boy was so nice to Okwonko but why he could kill him by his own hand although he loved that boy so much and he called him as his son. To him, pride are more valuable than his beloved son. Afraid of been calling weak and being same like his father who was a failure person among his tribes.
Even he didn't want to break the rules and Ikemefuna have to be killed by his tribes, but he shouldn't kill the boy by his own hand. He should be like obierika who said that if his son must be killed like Ikemefuna, he would never kill his son by his own hand because he love his son. It was opposite with Okwonko' principle who was so arrogant and only thought of others perception.

Okwonko was always afraid that he will be like his father, Unoka who was a weak person and had failure life towards his family and also his tribes. Because of his father's mistake, he learn how to be a different and be more better than his own father. He made his father mistake as a lesson to improve his life and be a motivated person. This way of his thinking was right but he was too obsess of being perfect man. He put a lot of effort to be a leader and a most respectable man in his tribes. Because of obsessing of being a strongest and capable man, he being a emotional man and doing anything without having a rational thinking.
It can be showed by murdering a messenger of white man during the meeting.

At last, Okwonko death was same like his father who had died a most miserable death. As he committed suicide because of the murder and thought that his tribes were not agreed with him anymore.

As conclusion, Okwonko will be a good man until his last if he can control his inner self or had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others people.

Anonymous said...


For my opinion,if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he would not have to died in a most miserable death. I have to ommited thet Okonkwo used to be a good leader among his tribe, but at the meantime he failed to controls his anger towards others even it is just a small matter.

For example, when he beats his third wife because his wife went out to plait her hair. Okonkwo seems too strict to his tribe's rules and did not manage to control his anger so that he beats his wife. He supposed to be tolerant to his wife or even his wife do did a mistake, he should advise her not simply punished her just like that.

On the other hand, he killed a young boy, Ikemefuna. It clearly showns that he is an agressive and fierce person.In the story we could see that Okonkwo, himself do love the boy and treat he like his own son. The same thing happens while the boy do love Okonkwo and even called him 'father'. Unfortunately, the boy had got killed by the person that he love and adours a lot for a simple reason.

Briefly,just like I said before, Okonkwo do had become a good leader among his tribe but he failed to organize his own emotions and didi not manage to control his anger as well. As a leader, he should be more tolerant and show some respects towards others so that people could respect him as well. If he be more sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he could died in honoured better than his late father.

Anonymous said...


In my opinion, if ever Okonkwo had more patience and sensitivity not just towards his family and tribe, but also to himself, he would not suffer such a terrific death. To me, as a great and respected man, he shouldn't commit suicide at the very first step.

As we know, Okonkwo is a man without mercy had been very intolerance with failure and compassion because those feelings to him will lead to failure.

However, without those feelings, it caused him to suffer as even his tribe mans couldn't help any good for him as his suicide was considered as a bad things.

This is much different from what he expected as we know that he wished for a great respectful funeral as a warrior.

He should think before act as most of his decisions does not turned out like what he expected.

If he ever be more sensitive towards others, like consider his tribe perspective before he action especially during Ikemefuna's murder.

I bet, he wouldn't break any rule of tradition if he ever be sensitive. This can be seen where he beat Ojiugo durung the week of peace where any villain is forbidden.

FaRiQ119672 said...

Well, like others said. If he (Okwonko) had more patient and sensitive towards his clan and family mostly he might not have to die in such way. People in his clan believe him so with his family. He did something he not suppose to do things for example, killing Ikemefuna and beaten his wife during the week of peace.
Those acts really show to the rest how Okwonko is such a hot tempered and not a patience person. He killed Ikemefuna just to show that he is not soft even some of his tribe people asked him not to go with them on the sacrifice ritual still he tend to go with them.
He can be such a great guy if he did have a little patience and not such a hot tempered person. He can manage two barns of yam on his own and get married with the most beautiful woman in his village. What an achievement he has that day but because of the hot tempered he have. He faced the clan anger after he killed the messenger.
His died just like his father did. The way he doesn’t want to end with. He should die in a different way then that because of what he had before he been expelled from his clan. For people like Okwonko, even after he is dead, his clan still resists his dead body as I can see when his clan asked the white man to buried him in spite they do it. He died in such a disgraceful way.
The end.

farhana said...

Yes, I agree with the statement stated that "if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death".

Human beings should be sensitve to other people emotions in order not to be selfish or arrogant. In this story, Okonkwo did not being expressive because he did not want to be accused as a soft hearted person. This can be seen where he did not show his feelings even towards his family member and to Ikemefuma, the boy that he is fond of. Besides, he was willing to kill Ikemefuma with his own hands.

Furthermore, Okonkwo is a very hot-tempered person. He did not have even a little patient inside him. For example, he beat his youngest wife, Ojuigo in the sacred week - week of peace. He also nearly shot his second wife.

Those are some actions that showed Okonkwo did not have patient and sensitive towards other people emotions in his tribe and his own family members. He forgot that being sensitive to other feeling and patient will help him to be a great leader and the people will more likely to respect him.

nurhartini said...
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nurhartini said...

For me I agree that Okonkwo not have died a most miserable death. In my opinion, even though he has a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feeling of the others in his tribe but him also was known as good leader and good person. Actually Okonkwo also has good feeling but he was too egoistic with himself.
For example, the reaction that he has a little patient is when he beat his third wife very heavily, Ojiugo during Week of Peace. This is because his wife went to plait her hair friend’s house and did not return early enough to cook the afternoon meal. Actually this is only a small matter and should be solve with good way .Okonwko also should know how to control his anger.
Besides, Okonkwo also has a little emotion when he has decided to kill Ikemefuna even though he fond the young boy very much. This is because; he does not want to become a weak and soft-hearted in front of his clan.
At last, Okonkwo should become more responsible and positive in thinking but not too outdated. Actually, if he can control his emotion and be more patient man, I think his tribe will show more respect and proud with him. As a leader, he does not only be strongest in power but also strongest and balance in emotion or feelings.

sarah izara said...


In my opinion, if Okonkwo the protagonist in “Things Fall Apart” had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, I totally agree that he would not have died a most miserable death because he is a great warrior. However, he used to make many mistakes in his lives that contribute the consequences to himself and end of his life by committing suicide.

From his characteristics, Okonkwo is a great person, full of strength, hardness, hardworking and has lots of credibility as a great hero, but he can not accept his weaknesses. For example, he killed Ikemefuna who was addressed him “father”. Okonkwo loved Ikemefuna but he is to egoist and does not show off his feeling. If he has some sensitive feeling, he will not kill the boy who was being loved to his family. He is not cruel man but he fear of failure and of weakness.

Apart from that, he loses his patient when he beats his third wife (Ojiugo) during the peace week. He knew no work was done during the Week of Peace but he still anger and beats his wife until neighbours heard his wife crying. He also not respects for the Ibo’s God and ancestors when he fight with his wife. If he has some patient, he does not beats his wife who was make a little mistake, she only went to plait her hair at her friend’s house and did not return early to cook the afternoon meal.

Furthermore, Okonkwo failed to be a good father to Nwoye. If he has some sensitive emotion and feeling to Nyowe he could be a good son to him. Sometimes, he looks like a strict and strong but deep in his heart, he also same likes others. He too afraid of being soft-hearted and thinks he was a weak man if he shows his feeling to his son.

As a conclusion, Okonkwo is a great warrior but he failed to being loved of his family and his tribes because of his attitude fear to be failure. If he has some positive and good qualities such as patient and sensitive feeling towards his tribes he would be a terrific hero and being loved to others. And die in a most of respectful funeral for him.

Anonymous said...


In my opinion, if only Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in tribe, I believe that he would not die in this miserable state.
In story, Okonkwo was a successful man in his farm working, status and others. He doesn’t want t be a man like his father, so he trained himself to be hard-hearted person. Take for example, he killed Ikemefuna by his own hand just for show him that was not a coward. If he had been a little patient and sensitive to his tradition, he would not beat Ojuigo during the Week of Peace. But he failed to do it and it caused him committed a great evil because it was believed that breaking the peace of Ani. Another example is he almost shoots his second wife, Ekwefi beyond the rationale during the New Yam Festival. This shows him was a harsh man sometimes. Also, if he had been more patient, he would not kill the court messenger and this led him to a miserable death. This is seem to mock at Okonkwo because his miserable death totally assemble his father’s death.
To sum up, Okonkwo would have a happy and peace ending if he had more patient and sensitive to the others. Besides these weaknesses, he was a responsible and strong man in the story.

JPAPSP said...

Noor Fazreena binti Abdul Wahab

Hi and a very good day…

In my own point of view, I agree that if Okwonko had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death.
Okwonko has a very good quality leadership but he cannot manage his own feelings and he is also unable to express his feelings. He is too afraid of being called as a coward like his father. He wanted all people in his clan to respect him. In order to make himself become powerful, he always want to show to the people in his clan that he is the best; a man without any fear.

As for me, if Okwonko had been a little patient, he would not beat his third wife during the Peace Week because I am sure that Okwonko knew that he will be punish of what he has done to his third wife during the week. If he be more patient, he would not beat her, but he will only punish his wife in different ways such as ask her to take care of Okwonko’s other wives children or plant more crops instead of beating her. This also shows that he is a very hot-tempered man. Beating is not the only way to punish people. There are various ways to punish people and let them learn from their mistakes.

A part from that, Okwonko also impatient when he heard his second wife said about his gun and he was nearly shoot his own wife. This action brings harm to Okwonko because the people in his tribe knew about the incident and they feel that his action is wrong. His second wife also became afraid of him. If he become more patient, such incident would not happened.
Other than that, Okwonko should be more sensitive to the emotions of the others in his tribe. For example, when it comes to the part that the clan people wanted to sacrifice Ikemefuna, Okwonko’s foster son, they advices Okwonko for not come and join the sacrificing ceremony. This is due to his close relationship to that boy; the boy, Ikemefuna, even called Okwonko as “father” but he would not accept their advices and still joined the ceremony.

Furthermore, when the boy ran to seek for help from Okwonko; his own ‘father’, Okwonko did not help him but he kill him with his own machete. Okwonko thought that his action will make his clan people respect him more because he dared to kill his own ‘son’. His action only added more problems to him. His life became miserable because of his drastic action. For me, if the oracle had chosen Ikemefuna to be sacrificed, it is acceptable because it is the Ibo’s people beliefs, but Okwonko must not join the ceremony because they wanted to kill his ‘son’ at the moment. Instead of killing the innocent boy, he should protect the boy because the boy is like his own son.

Okwonko also did not sensitive to his son; Nyowe, emotions. I agree that Okwonko does not want his son to be called as ‘Agbala’ (woman) like his father, Unoka, and want him to live in respect but he was too strict. His actions only make his son become more afraid of him. He should at least, let the boy enjoy his life and let him choose his own path of life.

Okwonko live in his father’s past. He does not want to be looked as same as his father. He wanted to live in respects. That is why Okwonko behave like a heartless man and he do not want to other people advice. Sometimes, a good leader should become more tolerate and can listen to other people advices. Sometimes, two person opinions are better than one.

Finally, Okwonko died in a miserable death because he was too egoistic and do not want to listen to others just like his father does. If only he can control his feelings, he will be a good leader till the end and all his clan people will respect him.


amalina119176 said...


in my point of view, the statement said that"if only okwonko the protagonist in Things Fall Apart had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of others in his tribe, he would not have died in a most miserable death.yes, it is true and i totally agree with this statement!

okwonko should have the sensitiveness and a little patient in order to be a good leader and a great warrior to his tribe and also to his familiy.if he have all this kind of emotions management, he would not break the rules of his tribe traditions and not commited suicide of his death.

it can be seen when he beats his 3rd wife, ojiugo during the week of peace. even he know that he would have a punishment if he do like that.the patient of okwonko is not there.his wife just a little bit late to come home to cook because she went out to plait her hair.okwonko should have tolerance with this kind of matter.dont to be aggressive and hot tempered.he also nearly shot his 2nd wife.

2nd example can be seen from okwonko used to kill ikemefuna who addressed him as a 'father'. eventhough okwonko does loved and care ikemefuna who his foster son, but because dont want labeled as softhearted and compassion person like what his father, unoka did before he willingly to kill is show that how come a 'good father' would kill his son(eventhough ikemefuna just a foster son,but okwonko did loved his like his own son and better than he love to his own son, nwoye)

as conclusion,okwonko can be agood leader and father if he realize that how important the sensitiveness and patient in dealing with our life.if we dont have this kind of feeling,how would we think of other people.people will potrayed us as cruel and stonehearted man.we need to manage this kind of feelings in order to get success and being respecful by others.

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This comment has been removed by the author.

A 119508

Before getting into the statement, allow me to talk on the character briefly. As far as we are concerned, Okonkwo is the main character and therefore it tells us clearly that he would most probably plays a major role in the story. Okonkwo as illustrated by Chinua Achebe is a brave and not forgetting a daring man.

Few actions that support this statement is when Okonkwo defeats Amalinze the Cat during the wrestling contest and on top of that, he established in achieving titles for himself. Okonkwo does not want to be seen as a weak and soft man by the others in the village. Extract from text can be seen when he killed Ikemefuna, the young boy whom he adored and loved more than his son, Nwoye. Ikemefuna has addressed Okonkwo as his own father. Okonkwo did not have any sense of feelings when he killed him. The main reason he took part in the ceremony though was advised not to because he did not want people to see him as a softhearted and caring person like his father. He only pays close attention bout what he think.

Apart of being courageous, Okonkwo has displayed negative traits when it comes to feelings and emotions. This happens because he is very selfish when it comes to himself. I do not deny that he is a great man but in overall he failed to portray his responsibilities as a true leader. Because of his father, Unoka, Okonkwo had led a very impatient and unsuccessful life. He hated the way his father bring himself and did not accept any of his characteristics. He felt shame to follow his fathers’ footsteps and treated the rest of his family in a very unpleasant way.

Can be also said that he is a very hot tempered man. During the Week of Peace he beats Ojiugo, which happens to be his youngest wife just because she went to braid her hair at her friends’ house and eventually forgets to get the meals done for her children. Not only that, during Feast of the New Yam, he beats his second wife, Ekwefi just because she took leaves from his banana plant without asking his permission first. Because of his temperedness, he failed to lead his own life and at the end died in a very miserable death. The reason I am saying this is because he did not think rationally of the consequences that will take place if he killed the messenger that walks into the village at that period of time. Society in the tribe lost trust on him and he was not able to create any sense of respect from them.

In conclusion, referring back to the statement, if he acts like a true man whereby he takes into account of people’s feeling and emotion, he would not have died a most miserable death. He would be given a good funeral as the way it should be and at the same time he would be respected by the others in the tribe. Other than gaining respect from others, Okonkwo will also be admired by all of them. Apart from being more patient, sensitive to the others and not forgetting taking to heart about people’s feelings and emotions, he could be a good leader and the most important thing, a good father and husband to his family and thus most probably achieve a better and happier life. Okonkwo should have gotten a bright future without ay complications if only he understands and be more patient than he ever was.

Thank you!

breynadeck said...

Name: Florina Mathew
Matrics Num: A119806

Hello everybody.

According to our forum discussion that, if only Okwonko the protagonist in “Things Fall Apart” had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death. In my views, Okwonko would not have died a most miserable death in in this story if he had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings if the others in his tribe.

Before that, we know that at the beginning, Okonkwo has no high position in Ibo’s people because he comes from a poor family. His father, Unoka is a debtor and lazy man. But, Okonkwo is very different from his father because he is full of vision to change his life and thinking until he becomes one of the greatest men of his time. He is also willing to do anything to get successful in his life. He did not want to be a weak person likes his father and also did not like other people look down to him. Because of his intelligence he become successfully when he has three wifes and two barns full of yams. Although, he is still young but he is very brave man until he known as a wealthy farmer in Umuofia.

In this novel, Okonkwo actually is a good person but he is fear to faced his life in the past again so he become strictly person especially in his family. He want his family be obedient for what he talk and he will become very angry if any member in his family want to fight him. For example, he beat his youngest wife because she has gone to plait her hair. Okonkwo beat Ojiugo very heavily until he breaking the peace of Ani because at the that time is the week of peace and all villagers must live of peace without any war or cruelty.

Besides that, Okonkwo also beat Ikemefuna because Ikemefuna would not eat any food. So, Okonkwo beat him with a big stick and stood over him. In addition, even though his boys is too young to understand fully the difficult art of preparing seed-yarms. But he thought that one could not begin too early. Okonkwo want his son to be a great man. Okonkwo also use his anger when teach his children when he shouted Ezinma to sit like a woman. In addition, there is part that Okonkwo become very angry with his wife because his wife murmured something about guns that never shot. After Okonkwo heard it and ran madly into his roam for the loaded gun, ran out again and aimed at his wife, and press the triggers.

Besides that, Okonkwo is also willing to kill Ikemefuna though he calls Okonkwo his father. Ikemefuna stays three years in Okonkwo’s family and he always accompanies Okonkwo, like a son. But, lastly, Ikemefuna is killed and Okonkwo cut him despite the Oracle’s admonishment. In addition, the oldest man in the quarter of Umuofia, Ogbuefi Ezeudu tell Okonkwo that he should not take part in Ikemefuna’s death. These shows that Okonkwo is more accentuate with his position among Ibo’s people as the warrior man. He did not want other people know his weaknesses and show them that he is steadfast in any types of problems. Thus, he should protect Ikemefuna because he take care him like his son but he is very egois and did not listen Ogbuefi’s advice.

Apart from that, Okonkwo cannot control his emotions when he decided to kill the messengers even though many of the villagers not give support to him. He is very angry when the missionaries went to Umuofia and try to make Christianity. So, he is bear a grudge with the missionaries and because of his impatient to cover the problems, he killed the messenger with his machete. Although, he knows that he will be arrest by The District Commissioner, he still kills the messenger. If he can control himself, he will not be considered as a sinner by his peoples.

In conclusion, Okonkwo died with the miserable died because of his anger, egois and impatient. He is considered as a sinner and only strangers can bury him. His body cannot be touch of other people include his family. In contrast, if Okonkwo is a patient and have good attitudes, he can be respected by Ibo’s people and will be remember as a warrior and the greatest man. So, in this novel shows that Okonkwo is not a hero but as a tragic hero but at the end, he becomes like his father.

Thank you and have a nice day.

norwahidah athiyyah said...

( A 119445 )

From my point of view, i totally agree for the statement "If only Okonkwo the protagonist in Things Fall Apart had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not died in a most miserable death."

In the novel, we all know that Okonkwo has a great spirit that make him as a brave man and get a title as a great warrior.He also becomes a successfull man by working on his farm and make out a lot of yams. But, as a human being, okonkwo also not a perfect man. This is because of his behaviour which is not have patient and sensitiveness in his life and give a bad impact in his death.

If only Okonkwo had a little patient and sensitive feelings in himself, he would not breaks the rule of his clan which is not allow anyone to be a bad person with the bad attitudes. But, Okonkwo had done it. He beats his third wife in the Week of Peace. His wife only not cook to him because she went out to plait her hair. He should be more tolerant to his wife because his wife's fault is not that big.

Moreover, if he had a sensitiveness in himself, he will not commit so many crimes such as killing Ikemefuna. Okonkwo take care of Ikemefuna like he take care of his son but he still can kill Ikemefuna by his own hand. He did this because he want to show to his clan that he is a brave man and will do anything. He should consider and think back the perspectives from his tribe when he does the killing.

He also nearly miss shot to his second wife. This thing should not be happen if he had a little patient and sensitive feeling to his wife. All his tribe also know about this and they feel not good about it at all.

Beside that, if he had a great patient feeling in himself, he will not dislike Nwoye, his own son. He need to encourage Nwoye to be a successful person also like him. He also should train his own son to become a warrior and good man in his life but he did not do that. Just because of Nwoye shows his lazy and bad attitudes, so Okonkwo did not want to take a responsibility to teach him and guide him to the right way. He only think about his pride and becomes a selfish person and important arrogant.

As a conclusion, Okonkwo perhaps will die in a great funeral and being respected by others if he had a good bahaviour and also think about others feelings and his surrounding too. He is a great warrior and strengtness man but because of his anger and selfish, he failed to become a real hero in his tribe. He just like a tragic hero who died in a miserable death, same with his father, Unoka. He will have a good future without complications if he understands and be more patient than he ever was.

...Thank You...=)

shahir said...

Yup, i totally agree "if Okwonko had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death".

Before i start giving further comments i would like to share Okwonko's characteristics’. He was a leader to his clan/tribe and at first his people respect him greatly because of his hardworking, determination, hardness, and full of strength until his succeed. But after that all everything turned into tragic because of his attitude. He can't control his feeling especially his temper.

What i can see, because of his temper and lack of patient, all things become wrong. i think if he had been little patient, he would not ended up tragically by committing suicide. All he wanted was die with full of honor and respect by his tribe but what the things he had done seem against his dream and become impossible to achieve.

for example, during week of peace, when no violence are allowed to happen in the week, Okwonko accidentally beats up his third wife (Ojiugo)which makes him breaks the rule and some sort not respect the tradition of the tribe. People started dislike him after what he had done to his wife.

After Okwonko being exile for years, he returned back to his tribe and when he lost his temper again , he killed the messengers from the white man even though many of the villagers against him. He was so mad when Umuofia convert to Christian, and take revenge by killing the messenger. So, he is bear a grudge with the missionaries and because of his impatient to cover the problems, he killed the messenger with his machete.. If he can control himself, he will not be considered as a sinner by his peoples.

So, for what he had done by killing the messengers, his tribe also had to pay for his action. He ended up by killing himself and nobody is allowed to touch his body and even his son convert into Christian. If he had been little patient, he would not have killed the messengers, and if he had been little patient to his son, he son wont hate him and not converted into Christian, if he had been little patient to his tribe, he would not have been exile for years and if he had been little patient to everything that happened to him, he would not have died in disgrace with no people are allowed to touch his body.

So, if he had been really patient, he would not ended up as tragic hero but full of respect and happy ending for himself.

Thanapackiam said...


From my point of view, I totally agree with the statement "If only Okonkwo the protagonist in “Things Fall Apart” had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not died in a most miserable death."

Okonkwo is an influential and respected clan leader in Umuofia. Since early childhood, Okonkwo's embarrassment about his lazy, squandering, and effeminate father, Unoka, has driven him to succeed. Okonkwo's hard work and prowess in war have earned him a position of high status in his clan, and he attains wealth sufficient to support three wives and their children. Okonkwo's tragic flaw is that he is terrified of looking weak like his father. As a result, he behaves rashly, bringing a great deal of trouble and sorrow upon himself and his family.

There are few actions of Okonkwo which support this statement. First, during the Week of Peace, Okonkwo notices that his youngest wife, Ojiugo, has left her hut to have her hair braided without having cooked dinner. He severely beats her for her negligence, shamefully breaking the peace of the sacred week in a transgression known as nso-ani. The priest demands that Okonkwo sacrifice a nanny goat and a hen and pay a fine of one length of cloth and one hundred cowries (shells used as currency). Okonkwo truly repents for his sin and follows the priest's orders. Not only that, during Feast of the New Yam, he beats his second wife, Ekwefi just because she took leaves from his banana plant without asking his permission first. Because of his temperedness, he failed to lead his own life and at the end died in a very miserable death.

Furthermore, Ikemefuna stays with Okonkwo's family for three years. Ogbuefi Ezeudu, a respected village elder, informs Okonkwo in private that the Oracle has said that Ikemefuna must be killed. He tells Okonkwo that because Ikemefuna calls him “father,” Okonkwo should not take part in the boy's death. Okonkwo lies to Ikemefuna, telling him that they must return him to his home village. Nwoye bursts into tears. As he walks with the men of Umuofia, Ikemefuna thinks about seeing his mother. After several hours of walking, some of Okonkwo's clansmen attack the boy with machetes. Ikemefuna runs to Okonkwo for help. But Okonkwo, who doesn't wish to look weak in front of his fellow tribesmen, cuts the boy down despite the Oracle's admonishment. These shows that Okonkwo is more accentuate with his position among Ibo’s people as the warrior man. He did not want other people know his weaknesses and show them that he is steadfast in any types of problems. Thus, he should protect Ikemefuna because he take care him like his son but he is very egoist and did not listen Ogbuefi’s advice.

Moreover, the death of Ogbuefi Ezeudu is announced to the surrounding villages by means of the ekwe, a musical instrument. At Ogbuefi Ezeudu's large and elaborate funeral, the men beat drums and fire their guns. Tragedy compounds upon itself when Okonkwo's gun explodes and kills Ogbuefi Ezeudu's sixteen-year-old son. Because killing a clansman is a crime against the earth goddess, Okonkwo must take his family into exile for seven years in order to atone. He gathers his most valuable belongings and takes his family to his mother's natal village, Mbanta. The men from Ogbuefi Ezeudu's quarter burn Okonkwo's buildings and kill his animals to cleanse the village of his sin.

Apart from that, Okonkwo cannot control his emotions when he decided to kill the messengers even though many of the villagers didnt give support to him. He is very angry when the missionaries went to Umuofia and try to make Christianity. So, he is bear a grudge with the missionaries and because of his impatient to cover the problems, he killed the messenger with his machete. Although, he knows that he will be arrest by The District Commissioner, he still kills the messenger. If he can control himself, he will not be considered as a sinner by his peoples.

In conclusion, Okonkwo died with the miserable death because of his anger, egos and impatient. He is considered as a sinner and only strangers can bury him. His body cannot be touch of other people include his family. In contrast, if Okonkwo is a patient and have good attitudes, he can be respected by Ibo’s people and will be remember as a warrior and the greatest man. So, in this novel shows that Okonkwo is not a hero but as a tragic hero but at the end, he becomes like his father, the ill fated man.

Anonymous said...

In my eyes, Okonkwo is seen as a man who plays the perfect male of older time whereby a man is valued and judged based on his strength, wealth, boldness, responsibility, status in tribe or society and his ability to lead his people. As far as the story “Things Fall Apart” is concerned, Okonkwo makes it a must to be all of the above and more because to him, being soft, caring and portraying hi passionate feelings in public are the biggest failure in of a man in the Ibo tribe. Keeping this as the primary purpose in his life, Okonkwo eventually turns into a man full of temper male egoism which create multiple of disasters and troubles all along his life. Because of his temper, he is punished during the Week of Peace for beating up his youngest wife during that particular week. Because of his adamancy over not letting himself being seen as soft, he is instead seen as cruel and man without heart because he even kills Ikemefuna, a boy who takes Okonkwo as his father.

All the incidents that occur in Okonkwo’s life can be said caused by his lack of patient and sensitivity towards the emotions of others. However, he continues to be who he is because he simply does not want to end up like his father who fails as a man as well as a father to Okonkwo. The biggest misfortune that falls upon Okonkwo is when he and his family are reclused from Umoufia after Okonkwo accidentally shoots a boy during a ceremony of funeral.

Okonwo begins to carve his own miserable death once he returns to his village after seven years of exile only to witness the missionaries taking over his village as well as his people towards Christianity. His temper and his impatience take a soar when he gets tremendously angry at the missionaries that he eventually kills one of the messengers. Before the police could arrest him, he commits suicide probably because he feels ashamed of his quick action especially when his own people do not think the same as him but instead, otherwise. This plainly tells that Okonkwo dies in a way that he most definitely does not want to.

If only Okonkwo was sensitive to the feeling of his people who converted to Christianity that they did so just to feel accepted and respected for they were not getting them among the people of theirs, Okonkwo definitely would not have killed the messenger, then taking away his own life in the end. If only he was patient in accepting the changes that Umoufia was going through, he would not have died a most miserable death but instead, in my opinion, he would have been seen as a real man and even respected by his own people as well as by the English. Okonkwo could have even achieved his dream of being someone who is influential and looked upon to in the Ibo tribe and most probably would have died in the most decent and respected way in the old age after living the life of his dream.

Anonymous said...

As far as I think, if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not attempted suicide. This is because, most of the troubles in Okonkwo’s life came because of his anger. For example, he being punished during the week of peace for beating up his wife and killing the messenger were both caused of his temper. By committing these mistakes, he lost the respect of his tribe people.

As far as we know, Okonkwo’s biggest ambition was to be an influential and powerful man in Umoufia. So, loosing respect of his people was his biggest break down. We can easily say that, the killing was due to his lack of patience. If only he listened to his people and did not commit murder, he would have still been an important person in the tribe of Ibo thus not killing himself in the end.

Besides that, if Okonkwo was sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would have understood the reason some of his people were converting to Christianity because Christianity offers no classes among people and all are seen as the same. By this, Okonkwo would have just accepted their decisions and their feelings and would not have made it as a big issue that led to murder of the messenger. By being so, Okonkwo would have earned the respect of his people as well as the missionaries and still went on with the Ibo traditions and his power towards the remaining people of Ibo who chosed not to convert.

This situation definitely would not have made Okonkwo even think of taking away his own life thus the story would not have ended by his death but more towards him continuing his lifestyle till the end.

Anonymous said...

A 119585

As far as I think, if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not attempted suicide. This is because, most of the troubles in Okonkwo’s life came because of his anger. For example, he being punished during the week of peace for beating up his wife and killing the messenger were both caused of his temper. By committing these mistakes, he lost the respect of his tribe people.

As far as we know, Okonkwo’s biggest ambition was to be an influential and powerful man in Umoufia. So, loosing respect of his people was his biggest break down. We can easily say that, the killing was due to his lack of patience. If only he listened to his people and did not commit murder, he would have still been an important person in the tribe of Ibo thus not killing himself in the end.

Besides that, if Okonkwo was sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would have understood the reason some of his people were converting to Christianity because Christianity offers no classes among people and all are seen as the same. By this, Okonkwo would have just accepted their decisions and their feelings and would not have made it as a big issue that led to murder of the messenger. By being so, Okonkwo would have earned the respect of his people as well as the missionaries and still went on with the Ibo traditions and his power towards the remaining people of Ibo who chosed not to convert.

This situation definitely would not have made Okonkwo even think of taking away his own life thus the story would not have ended by his death but more towards him continuing his lifestyle till the end.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion I totally agree that if Okwonko the protagonist in "Things fall apart" had been a little patience and sensitive to the emotions and felling of the other in his tribe he would not have died a most miserable death.

This is because he actually have the quality to be a great hero in this story if he can be more sensitive and have a little patience in his self. T hose are the quality that a good leader should have but not Okwnko. He is the man that conquer with his emotion and his past. It's not wrong for him to change his life and be a better man compare to his father, but the way he expressed his self is totally wrong until he become a man with no mercy.

There are many thing that Okwonko done that clearly show his weakness. He is a man that full of ego until he forget about about others feeling until he forget about others feeling especially his family and his tribe. First, we can see from the the tragedy when he beat his third wife because she is not at home when Okwonko come home because she went out to plait her hair. For us we maybe will see it just a small mistake but not Okwonko. He is too emotional and without he realize he has break the rule of the week of peace and that totally change his tribe perception towards him

Another Okwonko mistake is when without thinking his try to shoot his second wife just because he cannot accept when his wife give her comment about his capability to use his gun. luckily he miss shot his wife if not it surely will bring bad effect to him.

Besides that another Okwonko action that change his tribe perception is when he willing to kill Ikemufuna, a boy that he has assume as his own child Ikemefuna even called him father but bacause of his ego an attitude he make his decision to kill the boy himself even thou we clerly can see that he actually love that boy very much just like his other child. As we know he willing to do that because he want his tribe to see him as a strong man that will not be influence by his feeling, he don't want them to see him as a soft hearted man.

In conclusion , I can said that if just Owonko can be a little patience and sensitive to other feeling he will not ended died in a very tragic way. Because of his mistake he has become more miserable than his father. If not he maybe will become a hero to his tribe and die in more respectful way.

zaima said...


From my point of view, I totally agree that if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death which is committing suicide.
As we know, Okonkwo, is a great warrior, very hardworking, strong, and being a good leader. But at the same time he can not control himself from the anger feeling towards other even it just a small matter.
I said like that because Okonkwo ever beats his third wife just because his wife went out to plait her hair during the peace week. That’s action cannot be accepted because this is a small mistake and he should only give his wife an advice. He does not know how to uses his abilities correctly and wisely follow by the situation.
He also is really egoist and sometime he cannot accept that he is not always right and cannot accept the failure. He just does whatever he thinks that it is right for him. He never cares about what will happen to him if he does like that. For example in the murder of Ikemefuna, a boy who called him father, or the boy that he care since he come to his village. He take care of the boy like his own son but lastly Okonkwo was killed that boy because he afraid being called as a weak. To show his strength he will do anything include join the murder.
Okonkwo was always afraid being labeled like his father, Unoka, who was a weak person and always had failure life. Because of that he learns how to correct his mistake and try to get a good life batter than his father. He being very obsesses to become a perfect man so that he willing to do every things even being a murder and sometime he become like he not a rational people.
For example from this case we can see when he was killed a messenger of white man during the meeting. He done it like that just because to prove that himself is very strong not like his father. He should not do like that if he can control himself. He should consider about his tribe perception when he do like that.
Okonkwo is a very hot-tempered person. If he can control himself and know how to think rationally, he will become a good leader or a super warrior in his tribe. He also will be loved to the entire person in his tribe if he have good attitude especially like patient and rational thinking. But Okonkwo not become like that. So, because of his bad behavior he finally died in miserable death. Finally he also died like his father. He was labeled as unuselessed man.

Ema ( A118780)

Anonymous said...

Name:Siti Noraini Bte Hassin@Mohd
Matrics num:A119077

In my opinion I totally agree that
if Okwonko the protagonist in "Things fall apart" had been a little patience and sensitive to the emotions and felling of the other in his tribe he would not have died a most miserable death.

This is because he actually have the quality to be a great hero in this story if he can be more sensitive and have a little patience in his self. T hose are the quality that a good leader should have but not Okwnko. He is the man that conquer with his emotion and his past. It's not wrong for him to change his life and be a better man compare to his father, but the way he expressed his self is totally wrong until he become a man with no mercy.

There are many thing that Okwonko done that clearly show his weakness. He is a man that full of ego until he forget about about others feeling until he forget about others feeling especially his family and his tribe. First, we can see from the the tragedy when he beat his third wife because she is not at home when Okwonko come home because she went out to plait her hair. For us we maybe will see it just a small mistake but not Okwonko. He is too emotional and without he realize he has break the rule of the week of peace and that totally change his tribe perception towards him

Another Okwonko mistake is when without thinking his try to shoot his second wife just because he cannot accept when his wife give her comment about his capability to use his gun. luckily he miss shot his wife if not it surely will bring bad effect to him.

Besides that another Okwonko action that change his tribe perception is when he willing to kill Ikemufuna, a boy that he has assume as his own child Ikemefuna even called him father but bacause of his ego an attitude he make his decision to kill the boy himself even thou we clerly can see that he actually love that boy very much just like his other child. As we know he willing to do that because he want his tribe to see him as a strong man that will not be influence by his feeling, he don't want them to see him as a soft hearted man.

In conclusion , I can said that if just Owonko can be a little patience and sensitive to other feeling he will not ended died in a very tragic way. Because of his mistake he has become more miserable than his father. If not he maybe will become a hero to his tribe and die in more respectful way.

breynadeck said...

Name:florina mathew
Num matrics:A119806

Hello and how are you?hope you are in the pink.

In the novel,"Things Fall Apart" written by Chinua Achebe. We know that Okonkwo is the main character in this novel but at the end of this story, he become a tragic hero because of his bad attitude that he show to other people either in his family and among Ibo's peoples. Actually, Okonkwo is a man that full of vision in his life. He will do something in very hardworking and try to get something more than other people. For example, he so brave to ask Nwakibie,the rich man in his village to get some yam seeds.

Other than that,Okonkwo never showed any emotion openly,unless it be the emotion of anger. To show affection is a sign of weakness;the only thing worth demonstrating is strength. For example, he always teach his children to be a stronger man in their life. Okonkwo did not want his children become a weak man. In addition, Ikemefuna is adopt child and Okonkwo is responsible to take care Ikemefuna. But, Okonkwo also treat Ikemefuna with a heavy hand. He did not mind either with his own chinldren. He also so stuborn because Ogbuefi tell him for not attend Ikemefuna's death but Okonkwo refuse to do that and he kill Ikemefuna.

He also want to become the super hero in his villagers. He think that he can do anything without any fearful. He did not mind if the villagers not support him in his mission to kill the missionaries. He think he can do it with his self because he is stronger man and everybody are afraid with him. But, he did not know that many people did not like his way. He do something with impatient and like to do something with his anger. This become a problem that at the he died with miserable death. If he become a patient and sensitive with other people's emotion. He will not died with a tragic death. He will be become a hero in this story. Okonkwo is individualistic and always think that his self is more better than other people. He did not realize of his bad habit kill his self.

I think that Okonkwo will not died with a miserable death if he can control his self and get more patient and responsible. So, we must be control ourselves and do not make something that other people hate us because of our bad habit. We must solve out problem as a good as we can so that we feel happy and relax.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

breynadeck said...

Name:Florina Mathew
Num Matrics:A119806

In my views, Okonkwo should not died with a miserable died if he can control his anger. This is because he is a smart and stronger man. he is also a good leader because even though he is still a younger but he get a lot of successful such as he married three woman and have two barns. Other than that, Okonkwo also will died with peace and he will become be a respectful man in his tribe.

Besides that, Okonkwo will not be anger with his last wife if he is more patient. He will be a rational man and treat his family with full of love. He will become a great husband and father. He also become a role model in his tribe as a successful man.

Other than that, Okonkwo will not kill the messenger because they come in his village to help his tribe to live more comfortable and modernity.

Lastly, because of his anger, he become the weak person like his father. He did not brave to know his real life and did not accept his weaknesses but he try to be egoistic.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


If Okwonko had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the other tribe, he would not have died in a most miserable death. In my point of view to be a leader of particular tribes someone needs to have a soft heart which should Okwonko has.

The fact is in the story Things Fall Apart Okwonko definitely didn’t strictly be a good and respectable leader in the Igbo society. The fact is in the story Things Fall Apart Okwonko definitely didn’t strictly be a good and respectable leader in the Igbo society. Therefore, he went through a very dark moment which all is only because his own mistake.

If the sense of sensitive and patient emerge into Okwonko lives all the mistake will not happened and he will not die in a very miserable death. An example like over the years, Okonkwo becomes an extremely volatile man; he is apt to explode at the slightest provocation. He violates the Week of Peace when he beats his youngest wife, Ojiugo, because she went to braid her hair at a friend’s house and forgot to prepare the afternoon meal and feed her children. Later, he severely beats and shoots a gun at his second wife, Ekwefi, because she took leaves from his banana plant to wrap food for the Feast of the New Yam. The situations would be different if Okwonko be more patient and act rationally which definitely can reduce the violence towards his wives.

Other examples which describe his uncertainty behavior was like when Ogbuefi Ezeuder, the oldest man in the village, relays to Okonkwo a message from the Oracle. The Oracle says that Ikemefuna must be killed as part of the retribution for the Umuofian woman killed three years earlier in Mbaino. He tells Okonkwo not to partake in the murder, but Okonkwo doesn’t listen. He feels that not participating would be a sign of weakness. Consequently, Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna with his machete. Nwoye realizes that his father has murdered Ikemefuna and begins to distance himself from his father and the clansmen. As a result Okonkwo becomes depressed after killing Ikemefuna, so he visits his best friend, Obierika, who disapproves of his role in Ikemefuna’s killing. Obierika says that Okonkwo’s act will upset the Earth and the earth goddess will seek revenge.

Furthermore, the sense of sensitive that Okwonko doesn’t matter occurs when he kills the messenger where no one from the clan’s member wants to be part of it. At last, he has hanged himself where according to Obierika that suicide is a grave sin; thus, according to custom, none of Okonkwo's clansmen may touch his body.

The sin that he accidentally involved in make him to be a leader that the most unrespectable in the Ibo’s society. To sum up, the significant of being a good person or a leader both personalities which consist of hard and soft sense must stick together in order to end up a lives with full of dignity and respect like what Okwonko dreams to be.

tHuLaSi said...

Name :Thulasi Vikneswaran
Matrix no. : A119378

In my opinion, if Okonkwo was good from the beginning and didn’t mistreat people, it actually wouldn’t have made a difference. The reason why I say this is because, if you take a look carefully to the sequence of events in this novel, you would actually realize that Okonkwo’s decision to commit suicide was totally his choice and not influenced or pestered by anyone, although the invasion of the white’s was a factor . The way I look at this story, Okonkwo could have taken another option by just letting go of his ego and continue living life as it is. But instead, he decided to take a harsh decision by killing himself.

Yes, I must also admit that Okonkwo did many things not to be proud off which could be taken under consideration on why he had such a miserable death. For starters, Okonkwo once insulted a man at a town meeting, implying that the man was a woman; During the Week of Peace, Okonkwo's youngest wife, Ojiugo, goes out to plait her hair and doesn’t cook the afternoon meal for him, when she returns, Okonkwo beats her savagely. This act is considered to be an abomination to the Igbo as no one is allowed to even speak unkindly to each another during the Week of Peace; he killed Ikemefuna although the elders forbidden him to follow the troupe and do so; but most importantly, Okonkwo showed no mercy to anyone and was full with ego, anger and was always afraid of failure as he didn’t want to become like his father.

Thus, I think that Okonkwo’s miserable death was a choice of his own and not necessarily an outcome of his bad doing and ill treating towards others.

Eastside Nigger a.k.a Kishore01 said...
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Eastside Nigger a.k.a Kishore01 said...

Name: Kishore Kumar Sugumaran
Matrix number: a112527

From my point of view, if Okwonko had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he would live longer and died in honorable way and much better than his father.

If he was little patient and sensitive to the emotions and the feelings of his tribe he would not break the rules of the tribe. This evident when he beats his wife on the peace week. He could be patient and handle the situation in less abusive way.

The anger in him made him to accidently kill one of his tribe members. This lead to the exile of his family and this was considered humiliating and disgracing for him. If he had been more patient that time he can definitely settle the problem in a peaceful way without hurting anyone.

A good quality of a warrior is patience. He should not have killed the white messenger. Killing a messenger is an offence in the art of war and he broke it because his intolerance to the change around him and his uncontrollable anger. He can definitely avoid this from happening if he was just holding his temper.

If only Okwonko had been little patient and sensitive towards the feelings of the of the tribe member he may live longer and respected by his tribe and not commit suicide which was considered the most disgracing way to die. It was a coward decision who was claimed to be a warrior or leader in the community or tribe.

Anonymous said...

A 121093

The weakness of Okonkwo is not being patient and sensitive, thus leads this tribe leader to a status where the whole villagers lost respect in him. Killing a boy, beating up his wife and not being able to accept changes for his tribe has made him a selfish impatient man. If only Okonkwo has the heart to be patient and sensitive toward emotion and the feeling of his tribe, none of this could ever happen to him. Self-respect has causes him to die miserably however, if he could lower his inner emotion, the tribe would have respected him. He died miserably for hanging himself up rather than being killed by the ‘white man’ is a taboo against the norm of the tribe.

A little patient and sensitive could have made Okonkwo a good leader. If only he had not listened to The Oracle and able to made decision on behalf of him as a man and a leader, he could have been cherished by people who love Ikemefuna. What made his life became worst is Okonkwo is a man that hold on strongly to his root and tradition and accepted a man with a soft heart is not a man at all. This perception of life has made him lost his emotion and feeling toward the other.

As a conclusion, if he had just give a little attention and time to understand and accept other people opinion and feeling, Okonkwo could have died as a well respected man. If he had been a little patient and sensitive towards the things around him, he have could understood his duty as a husband, a father and a leader, thus made him a hero instead of dying worst than his father, Unoka.

Azri Mustaffa A121 260 said...


Okonkwo, even though is well known in nine village and a great warrior as well as a good leader, still he died in a most miserable death due to his fault that has a little patient and sensitive to his surrounding which I believe that if he has a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of others in his tribe, he would have died in most respectful death.

Throughout the story, readers can see that Okonkwo has no patient at all when he beat his third wife during the peace week which supposed no argument will be raise up and the villagers should live in harmony. However, Okonkwo always did not think before he act in doing something and that’s the reason he had to be punished as he is found guilty for not obey the tribe’s rules. Somehow, Okonkwo still think that he is not wrong for beating his wife as he is a hard and strict man.

In the other hand, in the case of Ikemefuna, the truth is he loves that boy so much; somehow he still joins in the murder to cover up from being labeled as coward, weak and soft-hearted. After the murder of Ikemefuma, Okonkwo sick for a few days and regret of his action but again it was too late as he did not sensitive and patient. Okonkwo is too afraid to show his love as he think that the villagers will called him weak and this has lead to his principal that soft-hearted person is a woman.

Okonkwo always did not think before he act and he actually cannot control his too hot-temper that has drive to another fault which is he almost killed his second wife with his gun. His reason just only because he thinks Ekwefi has cut down his banana tree but the truth is Ekwefi just cut only a few leaves. His tribe feels very bad about this but Okonkwo is a stubborn person and will not listen to others.

One of Okonkwo weakness is the failure’s of his father, Unoka, has become a dark shadow for him as he don’t want to be like his father. Okonkwo can be said not sensitive and impatient as in a meeting, when he said to a man which is not successful that the meeting is only for a real man without thinking he may hurt other feeling. Then he apologizes when the tribe asks him to do so.

As a conclusion, as great warrior and a good leader, Okonkwo should be more patient and sensitive to others as he is a role model to the young in his tribe. Furthermore, if he has a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of others in his tribe, I absolutely agree that he would have died in most respectful death.

Anonymous said...

I think Okonkwo is a great man with great personality and positive qualities. But he is still an ordinary human being which have some qualities and weakness like everybody else.

The positive part of Okonkwo is he is a hardworking man. He as well didn't give up easily and try to achieve his aim. This shows when he start his farming with nothing.

At the time, all he have was his strengh and spirit. Although his farming have so many problem to grow, he didn't give up and try hard until he succeed.

The negative part of Okonkwo is he wasn't sensitive enough and lack of patience. But this is not all his fault because i think his surrounding and people he knew from he is still a little boy play important role in developing the man he is.

For example, his father somehow develop some part of him. He scare and didn't wants to be like his father which lead to most of his action later.

I think if Okonkwo can learn to control his weakness, he will end up success in life. But since he cannot control his weakness, he end up die in misery.

humairah chong said...

Monaliza Harun Chong

Without doubt, Okonkwo display a vast significant contribution to his family and tribe, which is umuofia society. He point up the greatest warrior that thrive to vie unbeaten wrestler, Amalinze the cat at the age of eighteen and as well as shown incredible capability in two inter-tribal wars, a wealthy farmer with three wives and a father of several children, carry out two titles in his society and also one of the egwugwu- the masked spirit of the ancestors.

The most importantly he manages to achieve a position of wealth and status all by himself without any help from his family. Yet, why this superb hero falls in the end of the story? The only answer for this it is because of his mind-set. He control and stated what he believe and what he wanted to be with no consideration of other opinion and feelings.

From the beginning He believes that only strength and power will conquer his destiny and family. He also values work hard and no excuses. It is clear; as we view in the first part of the story reveal that Okonkwo was not fortune born in a great family but his willpower and uphill struggle reward him with what he desire most that are affluence and title in his tribes.

In chapter 4 we learn that Okonkwo respected by his clan because of his hard working and determination changed him from great poverty and misfortune into one of the successful man in his society.

However, the deepest fear in his lives is not evil or god but within himself that is fear of his father past weaknesses and failure. Thus, he hated what his father loved and struggled to be different from his father. He only believed without kindness and empathy he will triumph.

We learn that how he dominance his wives and children with fierce and firm. His hot tempered and uncontrolled behaviors cause several consequences not only to himself and his family, but also toward his tribe.

In chapter 4 illustrated that; Okwonko was highly influenced by his bad anger and thus beat his youngest wife, Ojiugo at the time of the Week of Peace.

In chapter 5, his uncontrolled behavior lead him to shoots at his second wife, Ekwefi with his gun, but luckily he misses only because she murmurs about the gun that never shot.

In chapter 13, his final fault against his tribe is when he unintentionally shoots the young member of his community and kills him; for this he is banished from the village for seven years and has to live in his mother’s village of Mbanta.

Finally in chapter 24, Unexpectedly, He kills one of the messengers that came to stop the meeting of umuofia and surprisingly, no one of his tribesmen stand to fight for their right instead let the other men escape. This situation make Okonkwo realize and believe that his tribes will never go to war and that Umuofia is on the verge of surrender. With no hope left to his village and his tribes he then commits suicide by hanging himself.

As I gone through the last chapter of TFA (chapter 22 until 25), I strongly feel that what Okonkwo did to the messenger is outcomes of his feeling toward his tribesmen. He knew that his clan will not take any action to stand and fight for their right. What had happened to them previously that the District Commissioner has sent an invitation to the leaders of Umuofia (Okonkwo was one of the six leaders) to his headquarters to verify about what happen during his absently.

However, the situation changed unexpectedly when the six leaders were imprison and treated cruelly and humiliated. If I in that situation I surely will stand and avenge. Even though Okonkwo died in a tragic way I’m still agree with his determination and decision that is to stand and fight for his beloved and honored Umuofia.

The end... Selamat Hari Raya


A 119508

Okonkwo the main character in Things Fall Apart as illustrated by Chinua Achebe is a brave and not forgetting a daring man would not have died in a most miserable death if he had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotion and feelings of his tribe. Like what I have said before, I again totally agree with this statement. Even in reality, if you are person that is hot tempered and get stressed up very easily, you will not go anywhere but only pull you down either in job profession or when evolving with the people in the society.

Same thing applies in Okonkwo’s character. It is very difficult to see him not to think of getting angry and being patient. Not only that, he does not want to be seen as a weak and soft man by the others in the village. Extract from text can be seen when he killed Ikemefuna, the young boy whom he adored and loved more than his son, Nwoye. Ikemefuna has addressed Okonkwo as his own father. Okonkwo did not have any sense of feelings when he killed him. The main reason he took part in the ceremony though was advised not to because he did not want people to see him as a softhearted and caring person like his father, Unoka. Apart of being courageous, Okonkwo has displayed negative traits when it comes to feelings and emotions. This happens because he is very selfish when it comes to himself. I do not deny that he is a great man but in overall he failed to portray his responsibilities as a true leader. Because of his father, Unoka, Okonkwo had led a very impatient and unsuccessful life. He hated the way his father bring himself and did not accept any of his characteristics. He felt shame to follow his fathers’ footsteps and treated the rest of his family in a very unpleasant way.

He was lacking of the sensitive and patience feeling in himself and show it them on his own family. For instance, during the Week of Peace he beats Ojiugo, which happens to be his youngest wife just because she went to braid her hair at her friends’ house and eventually forgets to get the meals done for her children. Not only that, during Feast of the New Yam, he beats his second wife, Ekwefi just because she took leaves from his banana plant without asking his permission first. All these had only cause unpleasant effects which results in bad reputation from the society.

Because of his temperedness, he failed to lead his own life and at the end died in a very miserable death. The reason I am saying this is because in the other part of the novel, he did not think rationally of the consequences that will take place if he killed the messenger that walks into the village once he comes back to his own village after seven years of being expelled. He failed to understand and at the same time feel he was not having any sense of sensitiveness in himself when the people in his tribe convert to Christian. If only he understands the reason they do so, he might not have killed the messenger. Society in the tribe lost trust on him and he was not able to create any sense of respect from them. His short temperedness has influenced the way people think about him and finally affects him as well which leads him to his own death.

In conclusion, referring back to the statement, if he acts like a true man whereby he takes into account of people’s feeling and emotion, he would not have died a most miserable death. He would be given a good funeral as the way it should be and at the same time he would be respected by the others in the tribe. Other than gaining respect from others, Okonkwo will also be admired by all of them. Apart from being more patient, sensitive to the others and not forgetting taking to heart about people’s feelings and emotions, he could be a good leader and the most important thing, a good father and husband to his family and thus most probably achieve a better and happier life as each and everyone carves for. At the end of his days, he would be given a better and respected funeral by the people in his tribe.

Thank you!

syahirah said...


Hello everyone..
In my point of view,I totally agree with the statement "if Okwonko had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death".It’s true that he was a good leader upon of his tribe but from the inner aspects he was fail to be a good leader.I say so because to me, a good leader and hero should be able to manage and control his own feeling,be more reasonable,patient and also sensitive towards others.From his characteristics, Okonkwo is a great person, full of strength and has lots of credibility as a great hero, but he can not accept his weaknesses. He is scared of being called as a coward like his father.He felt shame to follow his fathers’ footsteps and that’s why he treated his family in a very unpleasant way.He also wanted all people in his clan to respect him. In order to make himself become powerful, he always want to show to his people that he is the man without no fear.

Okonkwo is really egoist and sometime he cannot accept that he is not always right and cannot accept the failure. He just does whatever he thinks that it is right for him. He never cares about the effect of his action.We can see this in the case of Ikemefuna’s murder.Because of does not want to be seen as a weak and soft man by the others in the village, Okonkwo killed Ikemefuna, the young boy whom he cares and address as his own son,in a ritual ceremony even if deep inside his heart,Okonkwo do loves this boy so much.But,anyway,Okonkwo did not show any sense of feelings when he killed him.

To me,if Okonkwo had a little more patient and sensitive to the emotions and the feelings of his tribe he would not break the rules of the tribe. This is proven when he beats his wife,Oujiugo in the Week of Peace which supposed no argument will be raise up and the villagers should live in harmony.He got really angry just because she went to braid her hair at her friends’ house and forgets to prepare meals for her children. Not only that, during Feast of the New Yam, he beats his second wife, Ekwefi just because she took leaves from his banana plant without asking his permission first. All of these were only bring bad implications which spoiled his reputation in the society. The situations would be different if Okwonko be more patient, act rationally and have more sensitivity towards other people emotions and feeling.

To sum up,what can I say is that, as a leader, Okonkwo should be more sensitive, tolerant and also need to show some respects towards others so that other people could respect him as well. I think,if he become more sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he could died in honoured and become a great memorable warrior.

WidyFabregas said...


From my point of view,i totally agree with the statement that "if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe,he would not have died in a most miserable death" which is commiting suicide.

I can't deny that Okonkwo was agood leader and physically strong.But he failed to control his own feeling towards the others.For example,he beats his third wife because his wife went out to plait her hair during The Week of Peace.It does not a big problem actually but because of his weaknesses,he failed to control his anger toward his wife.He knows that when The Week of Peace,they cannot break the rules but he still break it.

On the other hand,he killed Ikemefuna,the young and innocent boy that call him "father".In this novel,it showed that Okonkwo really love the boy and he treat Ikemefuna like his own son.But because he afraid being labeled as a soft-hearted man,he,himself killed the innocent boy even he knows that he love the boy and Ikemefuna also love him so much.

Besides that,Okonkwo also killed the messenger of the white man.It is because he is very angry with the missionaries when the missionaries come to Umofia and bring Christianity as their ways of life.The villagers not give support to him but he decided to kill the messenger by himself even he knows that he will be arrest by The District Commisioner.

In conclusion,Okonkwo will die in a great funeral and being respected by others if he had a little more patient and consider with the others.He is a great warrior but because of his anger and impatient,he have died in a most miserable death.

>thank you<

sarah izara said...


I totally agree with the statement stated that “if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotion and feelings of his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death”.

Okonkwo as the main character in Things Fall Apart illustrated by Chinua Achebe as a courageous man and the greatest warrior when he was eighteen and shown his capability in two inter-tribal war. He defeats Amalinze the cat during the wrestling contest and he wins the contest and gets the title.

He is a great person but, he failed to portray his responsibilities as a true leader. Due to his father, Unoka, Okonkwo leads his life in different way from his father bring himself. He fears to follow his father’s footstep because he hated his father weakness and failure. He wants to become success contrast to his father.

Okonkwo was lacking of the sensitive and patience towards his family, for instance, he beats his youngest wife, Ojiugo, during the Week of Peace. He also uncontrolled his behaviour towards his second wife, Ekwefi and lead to shoot with his gun; fortunately, he misses only because she murmurs about the gun that never shot.

He also had mistake when he unintentionally, shoots the young member of his community and kills him. Consequently, he is expelled from his village and live in his mother’s village in Mbata for seven years.

Okonkwo did not think rationally when he killed the messenger who came to stop the meeting of Umofia. Even though, many of his people not give him support. Because of his impatient, he is being arrested by District Commissioner. And he considered as a sinner by his people. His people, lost trust on him and they are not able to create any sense of respect him anymore.

In brief, Okonkwo died with the miserable death because his impatient and egoistic, and his body can not be touch of people include his family. Only stranger can bury his body. So, Okonkwo died as a tragic hero and end his life like his father.

creative presentation said...
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Nur Muhammad said...

matric no: A119058

In Chinua Achebe’s novel, Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo plays the role of a tragic hero destined to fall from his lofty titles. From a small child, he struggled to be the opposite of his father. When working to be successful, Okonkwo “threw himself into it like one possessed. And indeed he was possessed by the fear of his father’s contemptible life and shameful death.” Although his father was ill-fated in the eyes of the tribe and his own son, he contained something that Okonkwo never had: humility and happiness in simple things. Even when they took Unoka, his father, away to be left in the evil forest to die, he took his flute, a source of happiness. So Okonkwo with his characteristics doomed for tragedy, led a seemingly successful life, though a tragic flaw of pride and wrong decisions robbed him of his self fantasized gilded life.
Though prideful, Okonkwo was a great man and did not deserve to die. The most common tragic flaw is hubris (excessive pride). Then after his exile, Okonkwo had bigger plans than before. The title of the book is a prophesy of what is to come for the fated African tribe. His sad story brought the downfall of himself and the hastening of his tribe’s fall to the white men. In the case of Okonkwo, the tragedy did not only involve him and his family, it also involved the whole society.

Nur Muhammad said...


Okonkwo has been taught from a very young age that showing his emotions is a feminine characteristic, a sign of weakness within his culture. This is brought about because when Okonkwo was a child his father was not very involved with the community or with the elder counsel. The community is the most important aspect of everyday life for Okonkwo’s people. The village does not have a centralized government, but it is does have democratic ruling through the elder males (Ohadike xxii). Since Okonkwo’s father was lazy and drank too much, he did not receive any respect from the majority of the community. Okonkwo did not want this for himself so he always displayed a tough exterior so that he could have respect.

This characteristic is clearly shown throughout the story. One such example is when Okonkwo becomes very fond of a boy that is in his care. Even though he likes the boy, Ikemefuna, he still treated him “as he treated everyone else – with a heavy hand” (Achebe 20). Even to a person who was considered part of his own family, he could not show the emotion of affection or graceful attention.

In addition to not being able to show any true emotions, Okonkwo has trouble controlling his temper. His anger and rough treatment of everyone around him, particularly his wives, once again springs from the fact that his father was segregated from the community. Also, his short-temper towards his wives may have been fueled by the fact that women were beneath men within the village’s social ranking. Okonkwo thinks that the only way he can gain the village’s respect is through being bold and strong. It was also very important to show strength during this time of need because there was much change going on in the community itself with the coming of the white man and new traditions. He must absolutely display only anger and strength “when the institutions he had fought so hard to sustain collapse in the face of European colonialism” (Gikandi x).

The most infamous scene of Okonkwo’s irrational anger and lack of respect is when he beats his wife for not preparing the meal for their children during the Week of Peace (Achebe 21). This is just a single case of Okonkwo beating one of his wives, but the village punishes him more severely because it is during their Week of Peace in which everyone should be nice and kind to their neighbor. The village was shocked because no one ever breaks the rules of that week. “Even the oldest men could only remember one or two other occasions somewhere in the dim past” . Another instance where Okonkwo’s disorderly behavior takes control of his actions is when he kills the boy he was fond of, Ikemefuna. Okonkwo’s clansmen are attacking the boy, so Ikemefuna runs to seek help from Okonkwo. However, since Okonkwo “does not want to look weak in front of his fellow tribesmen, [he] cuts the boy down” (Ward 1). He lets his rage and pride takes over and kills the boy whom he considered his own son.

Nurul Syakirin said...

Okonkwo, for all his greatness, has his faults that ultimately lead to his downfall which causes him died in a most miserable death. His greatest fault, or hamartia, as seen in the protagonist of a typical Greek tragedy, is his pride.

His own success as a self-made man, makes him impatient of others who are not as successful. For example, at a meeting of the tribe’s elders, he calls another man a woman and says, “This meeting is for men.” This man who had contradicted him had no titles, and so Okonkwo felt that he was not worthy enough. However, Okonkwo had to apologize to him.

Okonkwo is hard and stern with his family, particularly his son, Nwoye, who does not take after him. It is Okonkwo’s inner, psychological fear that he too would be a failure like his father, that makes him proud and hard. He is strict with his wives too and never shows his inner emotions. It is this that drives him to break the rules of the Week of Peace, by beating his wife when she does not send him his food as required. Breaking the rules of the week of peace is considered a sin against the Goddess of the soil, Ani. So this is both a personal error and an error against the rules of the tribe.

At the New Yam festival, too, he almost shoots his second wife, Ekwefi, with a gun as he thinks that she has cut down his banana tree when she has only cut a few leaves. This again shows his impulsive nature and volatile temper, faults which later rebound on him. When the Oracle of the Hills and Caves orders the death of Ikemefuna, Okonkwo, in order to show his fearlessness and impartiality, strikes the final blow with his machete, even as the boy is calling him “My father, they have killed me!” Ogbuefi, the oldest man in the village had asked Okonkwo not to participate on the killing of the boy as he called him his father. By killing the boy himself Okonkwo commits his second offense against the tribal laws.

At the funeral of the leader of the tribe Ezeudu, there is much dancing and firing of crackers and guns. Okonkwo fires his gun, but it explodes and a fragment of metal kills Ezeudu’s own son. For this final fault against the tribe - a killing of one’s own kinsmen - he is banished for seven years.

At the end of the novel, when Okonkwo cannot take more of the vile behavior of the District Commissioner, it is his impulsive nature that pushes him to behead one of his messengers. Though this was a brave act, he commits suicide realizing that his clan is no longer with him. The reader thus sees Okonkwo as a puppet of his own actions and nature, all which finally lead him to his doom.

mademoiselle linny rouge said...

Okay,so to speak…
I am totally agree with the statement that if Okwonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe,he would not have died a most miserable death.He had been seen as a great hero in his tribes during that time and as a powerful man till nobody dares to fight him back as he’d been called as ‘Roaring Flame’.We can clearly see that his wives and childrens were very respect him not just because he is a husband and a father,but because they fear with him.
For what we can see in the novel,Okwonkwo had killed Ikemefuna who used to be like his own son.In the story,Ikemefuna fills the void in Okwonkwo’s life that his own son cannot.Ikemefuna lives with him for 3 years and he appreciates Ikemefuna but then after the Oracle of The Hills and The Caves has request him to kill Ikemefuna,without doubt he kills Ikemefuna and he seems didn’t feel guilty and more sensitive.
Other example we can see is when Okonkwo beats his third wife during the peace week.The rule is there but he lost his patience and beats his wife without thinking that it is the peace week.Another example is when Okwonkwo killed the messenger because he is too angry with the British Colonization and later he commit suicide. Okwonkwo is too hard to be patient and sensitive.One of the reason that could be is because of the terror that he hides himself.He had to deal with having a father who is considered as weak and lazy.So then he afraid if the tribe will consider him as his father. If Okonkwo have patience and sensitivity in his heart,also being tolerate and allowing himself to show love to his family and others,then he would not have died a most miserable death and he could be considered as a true hero.That’s all from me.

mademoiselle linny rouge said...

Name:Azlin Hazreena Zahri
Matrics No:A119485

Okay,so to speak…
I am totally agree with the statement that if Okwonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe,he would not have died a most miserable death.He had been seen as a great hero in his tribes during that time and as a powerful man till nobody dares to fight him back as he’d been called as ‘Roaring Flame’.We can clearly see that his wives and childrens were very respect him not just because he is a husband and a father,but because they fear with him.
For what we can see in the novel,Okwonkwo had killed Ikemefuna who used to be like his own son.In the story,Ikemefuna fills the void in Okwonkwo’s life that his own son cannot.Ikemefuna lives with him for 3 years and he appreciates Ikemefuna but then after the Oracle of The Hills and The Caves has request him to kill Ikemefuna,without doubt he kills Ikemefuna and he seems didn’t feel guilty and more sensitive. Other example we can see is when Okwonkwo beats his third wife during the peace week.The rule is there but he lost his patience and beats his wife without thinking that it is the peace week.Another example is when Okwonkwo killed the messenger because he is too angry with the British Colonization and later he commit suicide. Okwonkwo is too hard to be patient and sensitive.One of the reason that could be is because of the terror that he hides himself.He had to deal with having a father who is considered as weak and lazy.So then he afraid if the tribe will consider him as his father. If Okwonkwo have patience and sensitivity in his heart,also being tolerate and allowing himself to show love to his family and others,then he would not have died a most miserable death and he could be considered as a true hero.That’s all from me.

Khairi said...

From my view of point, I agree with these statement if Okonkwo had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of his tribe, he would not have died in a most miserable deathwhich is committing suicide.

Chinua Achebe creates a character of great strength and intolerance in his book, Things Fall Apart. Okonkwo, the protagonist of Things Fall Apart, is renowned as a leader of his tribe, Umuofia, and also as a successful farmer and warrior. Okonkwo's great pride is what truly drives his intolerance for idleness and his great strength stimulates this intolerance.

This complex character is described by Achebe as "tall and huge, and his bushy eyebrows and wide nose gave him a very severe look. He also breathes very heavily like a great beast in deep slumber. Okonkwo is always seen walking upon the foremost part of his feet, leaving his heels just above the ground. This stance gives the impression that he is ready to pounce upon anybody who angers him, and often times this is the case. Okonkwo's harsh features and defining stature accent his character which is full of strength and callousness.

Although Okonkwo is revered as a great warrior and leader, he also is noted for his intolerance for laziness, his quick-to-anger spirit, and his often violently impulsive actions.

At one point, his most recent wife does not return in time to cook the meal. As a consequence, Okonkwo beats her incessantly. Another time, in a frustrated fit of rage, Okonkwo kills a messenger from the British district office. These types of rash actions can be observed throughout Okonkwo's entire life.

Okonkwo's actions and choices are all driven by his single fear becoming idle and weak like his father. Unoka, Okonkwo's father, passed his time mostly by playing music or simply relaxing. Thus he often times fell into debt as he was always borrowing due to the lack of work on his own part. This lazy lifestyle is hated more than anything by Unoka's son, and so Okonkwo is strongly motivated to have a life dominated with constant work and no idleness. This lifestyle helps him become a very successful farmer and leader, but it also has negative results. All of Okonkwo's emotions are bottled up inside.

The only emotion he actually releases is anger. Compassion and kindness are never exhibited for he connects these traits with the weakness of his father. His driven personality results in material success but emotional isolation.

The character of Okonkwo is an extremely strong as well as complex one. His strength and stubbornness could serve him well, but in the end they lead to his fall. Okonkwo ends up realizing that his clansmen do not support his rash actions and in turn, Okonkwo commits suicide, a very shameful death. This brash and stern character tries so hard throughout his life to maintain a certain lifestyle, but ultimately defeats himself and thus becomes a tragic hero.

sarah izara said...


Things Fall Apart is a 1959 English-language novel by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. The bulk of the novel takes place in Umuofia, one of nine villages on the lower Niger. Umuofia is a powerful clan, skilled with a great population, with proud traditions and advanced social institutions.

As mentioned earlier, I agree with the statement, if only Okwonko the protagonist in “Things Fall Apart” had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of the others in his tribe, he would not have died a most miserable death. This novel tells us about Okonkwo’s life. He has risen from nothing to high position. His father, a lazy flute-player named Unoka, was skilled in the art of conversation, but was unsuccessful man with regard to material wealth. Okonkwo does not want to be like his father, he was hard work person and regarded position in his society, showing himself to be skilled in battle and earning several titles. He has taken three wives, which is mark of greatness in the Ibo culture; he also has several children, and has built substantial wealth through his farming of yams.

If Okonkwo has little feelings to others, he will not kill Ikemefuna. However, the Oracle calls for the boy’s death and a group of men take Ikemefuna away to complete the sacrifice. And, Okonkwo, fearful of being perceived as soft-hearted and weak, he participates in the boy’s death, despite the advice of the clan elders. Furthermore, Nwoye is Okonkwo’s eldest son is not like his father and is more interested in the stories his mother tells than the stories of war. Okonkwo thought Nyowe was following his father and that made Okonkwo acted more roughly towards the boy. In fact, it is the way that Nyowe that had created hatred in the young’s heart. He hates and fears his father. Nyowe becomes like that because Okonkwo does not shows his feeling to his son. Consequently, Nyowe becomes converted in Christianity and join the church and taking the name “Isaac”.

Apart from that, Okonkwo had made mistake when he wants the war. During the meeting, court messengers come to order the men to break up their gathering and had an interference with this institution means the end of the last vestiges of Umuofia’s independence. Enraged, Okonkwo kills the court messenger. Okonkwo knows that his people will not choose war.

As a result, Okonkwo returns home and hangs himself, which is seen as weak an attack against nature, so much so that others from Umuofia can not touch his body. If he has a little feeling to other, he would not have died in such way.


Thanapackiam said...

MATRIX NO : A120309

Hello everyone!

In the novel “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe, the main character Okonkwo is illustrated as a strong, brave and proud man with many capabilities would not have died in a most miserable death if he had been a little patient and sensitive to the emotion and feelings of his tribe. Like what I have said before, I again totally agree with this statement. According to Oprah Winfrey, “the greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitudes”. Based on that saying, if the character Okonkwo have control his anger and be patient in certain situation, he would not have died in a most miserable death than his father.

Okonkwo is depicted as a strong and proud man with many capabilities who throughout the novel tries to recompense for the experience of being the son of what he calls a “worthless father”. On the contrary, Okonkwo consciously adopts the opposite traits of his father and becomes productive, wealthy, thrifty, brave (being able to stand blood), violent (his rash anger) and obstinately objected to music and anything that seemed to be soft or feminine such as conversation and emotion. He threw Amalinze cat at the age of eighteen. He was renowned wrestler, a wealthy farmer with three wives and winner of two titles. Okonkwo’s prosperity was visible in his household and beyond it. What nobody knows was this famous man was leading a life dominated and motivated by fear. Fear of failure and weakness like his father, and fear that the reputation and wealth he had built up would pass on to a worthless son, Nyowe.

Anger and fear are key words in trying to understand Okonkwo’s role in this novel. In anger he beat up Ojuigo, which happens to be his youngest wife just because she went to braid her hair at her friends’ house and eventually forgets to get the meals done for her children and desecrated the “Weak of Peace”. In anger, during Feast of the New Yam, he beats and he shot at his second wife and narrowly missed committing his first murder Ekwefi just because she took leaves from his banana plant without asking his permission. Besides that, when Oberika refused to join the men to kill Ikemefuna (Okonkwo’s surrogate son), Okonkwo not only goes of his own free will but also assists in killing him with his machete simply because he does not want to appear weak. Furthermore, the murder of Ezeudu’s sixteen year old son, which a female crime carried the penalty of banishment and destruction of everything Okonkwo had built up.

Okonwo begins to carve his own miserable death once he returns to his village after seven years of exile only to witness the missionaries taking over his village as well as his people towards Christianity. His temper and his impatience take a soar when he gets tremendously angry at the missionaries that he eventually kills one of the messengers. Before the police could arrest him, he commits suicide probably because he feels ashamed of his quick action especially when his own people do not think the same as him but instead, otherwise. This plainly tells that Okonkwo dies in a way that he most definitely does not want to.

If only Okonkwo was sensitive to the feeling of his people who converted to Christianity that they did so just to feel accepted and respected for they were not getting them among the people of theirs, Okonkwo definitely would not have killed the messenger, then taking away his own life in the end. If only he was patient in accepting the changes that Umoufia was going through, he would not have died a most miserable death but instead, in my opinion, he would have been seen as a real man and even respected by his own people as well as by the English. Okonkwo could have even achieved his dream of being someone who is influential and looked upon to in the Ibo tribe and most probably would have died in the most decent and respected way in the old age after living the life of his dream.

Thank You....

love fantacy said...

In my points, I believe Okonkwo will be died with a miserable death if he can control his behavior to become more patient and caring person. But in this story, "Things Fall Apart", he died with a tragically because he hangs himself and nobody will be touch him. Firstly, he did not like the feminine and like the masculinity. So, everything he doing, he will become a strict and anger person to his clan and also his family. For example, he beats his son, Nwoye because he likes his grandfather, Unoka, a lazy and weak man. Other than that, Okonkwo also beat his third wife, Ojiugo because she left her hut to have her hair braided without having cooked dinner. Okonkowo also beat his second wife, Ekwefi, he shoots the gun at her but he misses. He becomes so angry when Ekwefi mutters a snide remark under her breath about guns that never shot. Other than that, Okonkwo also beat his children during prepare for planting thier farms, he want his children to become a great man and farmer even though they are so young to understand farming. Okonkwo also think his daughter, Ezinma likes a boy because she has a right spirit until Ezinme become Okonkwo's favorite children and more love her than Nyowe. Okonkwo also did not be patient and sensitive when he kill Ikemefuna with himself even though Ogbuefi Ezeugo did not want he come with the other man to kill Ikemefuna. Even though, he knows Ikemefuna need helps but Okonkwo cot the boy down. He did not want the man think that he is a weak and fearful. Besides that, Okonkwo also did not patient and kill the messenger even though he knows that he will be bring problem to his clan. Lastly, he hangs himself in his own hut. He died as a tragic hero and nobody can touch his death body because he becomes a sinner to his clan. He hangs himself. I think that, Okonkwo did not believe the power of love but he always doing without thinking the effects on his action. He likes his father, Unoka and more bad than his father. This is because he is a wealthy and respected warrior but lastly his title become useless and meaningless. So, Okonkwo died with tragically and become a sinner to his clan.
Thank you.Have a nice day.

love fantacy said...

Name:Florina Mathew
Number Matric:A119806

In my points, I believe Okonkwo will be died with a miserable death if he can control his behavior to become more patient and caring person. But in this story, "Things Fall Apart", he died with a tragically because he hangs himself and nobody will be touch him. Firstly, he did not like the feminine and like the masculinity. So, everything he doing, he will become a strict and anger person to his clan and also his family. For example, he beats his son, Nwoye because he likes his grandfather, Unoka, a lazy and weak man. Other than that, Okonkwo also beat his third wife, Ojiugo because she left her hut to have her hair braided without having cooked dinner. Okonkowo also beat his second wife, Ekwefi, he shoots the gun at her but he misses. He becomes so angry when Ekwefi mutters a snide remark under her breath about guns that never shot. Other than that, Okonkwo also beat his children during prepare for planting thier farms, he want his children to become a great man and farmer even though they are so young to understand farming. Okonkwo also think his daughter, Ezinma likes a boy because she has a right spirit until Ezinme become Okonkwo's favorite children and more love her than Nyowe. Okonkwo also did not be patient and sensitive when he kill Ikemefuna with himself even though Ogbuefi Ezeugo did not want he come with the other man to kill Ikemefuna. Even though, he knows Ikemefuna need helps but Okonkwo cot the boy down. He did not want the man think that he is a weak and fearful. Besides that, Okonkwo also did not patient and kill the messenger even though he knows that he will be bring problem to his clan. Lastly, he hangs himself in his own hut. He died as a tragic hero and nobody can touch his death body because he becomes a sinner to his clan. He hangs himself. I think that, Okonkwo did not believe the power of love but he always doing without thinking the effects on his action. He likes his father, Unoka and more bad than his father. This is because he is a wealthy and respected warrior but lastly his title become useless and meaningless. So, Okonkwo died with tragically and become a sinner to his clan.
Thank you.Have a nice day.